Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Perfume and Kafka

Anton has finally finished reading "Kafka on the Shore' and found it as gripping and surreal as I did. Neither of us could put it down. It is one of the few books that we can discuss easily as it works on so many levels, and generally is very strange but compelling.

I've just finished 'Perfume'. I had wanted to see the film for a while but I am not sure I will bother now. Don't get me wrong I loved the book, but I can see how badly this could be Hollywoodised, especially as I already know that Grenouille in the film is far more attractive than he is described. I really enjoyed the fact that there were no heroes in this, just people trying to buck the system, to make easy money or just to survive. No one came out of it smelling of roses(!), and even the smallest characters had defining characteristics and flaws.

Unless by Carol Shields next, if I ever get my sewing projects finished

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