I've already said I dislike Christmas but I have extra issues this year.
Because of my illness I have felt unable to get excited or organised this year, so cards have not been sent. I hope friends will understand when they get the email with a short clip of the children singing a carol instead.
School has been a large factor in my mood this term. A dear friend of mine has been on the receiving end of what can only be described as bare faced bullying which has gone undealt with by the senior management. I can't understand how someone can be downright foul to such a caring and professional person. I am distinctly worried about how the whole school will change as result of what eventually happens. We need strong leadership, a close knit team and to be as supportive as we have always been in the past, but I think times they could be a changin'
School has thankfully broken up ( the joy of working in a private school) so today was spent tidying up, putting up new displays and unwrapping the pile of choccies and other presents I'd been given. Why is there always one strangely compelling yet distinctly awful gift? No I won't divulge which one!
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