Sunday, March 29, 2009

Busy Day

We are all lying somewhere chilling or sleeping. It has been a long day!

The kids and I were up at 6.30 so I could get to my Run Auckland 10k in Remuera. It was a very small event with a lot of people. I guess I am used to events like the Garburn which are like carnivals of running. This was a start line and a few tables! There were over 1000 entrants and most seemed to be doing the 10K. It was a cool route, two laps of the Waiatarua reserve, a few undulations and some ok scenery.

Then the kids and I went off to a planting day at BBI, planting tonnes of plants and weeding. All this just so Caitlin earns half a green star!

Then food shopping.

Then cooking dinner!

Caitlin is working on a big project on the suffragettes, and procrastinating!

Anton spent the day being in a traffic jam and eating cold soup for a commercial.

All go at the Ashcrofts!