Monday, April 17, 2006

What a day

Easter Sunday was delightful; spent time with Maria and her family, the kids having an easter egg hunt and the grown ups drinking lots of coffee and eating chocolate cake.

Monday couldn't be more different. Maria has wanted to go for a run 'off road' for a while and finally collared me in such a way I couldn't say no. We ran up on the Scar this morning in strong winds but it felt wonderful. It's done my confidence a lot of good before the Hawkshead run, though how my legs will feel tomorrow remains to be seen.

Especially as we all then went for a very long walk in the Howgills up a route called the Calf. The children did remarkably well although I was a little concerned about Caitlin's fitness. Helena is such a fit little thing so the contrast was major. reuben did really well considering his legs are so small. I think he was determined to keep up with Declan.

So now we will cuddle up under a duvet and watch a DVD. Nanny McPhee anyone?

P.S. Chelsea move to within one point of the title!!!! Yeah!