It has been a hard week since Anton's hospitalistion. I am still very worried about him, and the fact there is no diagnosis yet. The homeopath has given us injections of some remedy which I have to give him in the neck- so I am officially a pain in the neck! He has waves where he feels better but they never last for long and I am dreading the psychological issues that came with the last bout if this is Lyme.
I clung to some purpose yesterday, helping Elaine to do her Maths ( Gloss) testing. 4 hours and 12 kids down, only 16 to go! I felt I needed to leave Anton alone otherwise I would feel trapped. Even though I have been at home this past week I feel I have achieved very little. I still have curtains to make, and some painting to do and Idol costumes to perfect but relaxing on the sofa is nicer and less stressing for my OH.
Gave up on the Perfect Spy.It was far too long. The Arsonist's guide is really engaging and so far I have real sympathy for the main character. Hopefully this will last or my faith in my judgement will be sorely dented.